a stage play + documentary + original songs
a demo video of a work-in-progress
a "proof of concept" video - with original songs, accompanied by temporary visuals - to suggest what a documentary with song will someday become ...
100 Mother-Daughter Stories
A documentary with song is:
A 100 Mother-Daughter Stories is a unique hybrid of theater, music, and documentary genres – yet solidly based on profound audience-pleasing works that came before.
powerfully use real interviews with real people to create successful theaterical experiences, literally around the world.
famously use song and theme to tell a story. Instead of “plot” they follow a theme, using multiple characters with different stories. These successful musicals, just like 100 Mother-Daughter Stories, do not have a main character(s) that recur repeatedly in scene after scene. Instead, we use multiple characters, each with their own song and stories to advance a compelling portrait of the theme – providing a many-sided collective portrait of the theme.
Diverse stories with multiple characters, united by narrative frame. We do the same, inspired by these classics that remain loved and performed to this day, hundreds of years since first being penned and performed.
Especially unique and relevant to us are
The Act of Killing, the 2014 Oscar nominated doc that powerfully depicts the reality if killers – paramilitary Indonesian mass murderers, in an astonishing and creative way. In interview, they describe/admit their crimes – which is then dramatically reenacted as Westerns, gangster films, and in musical numbers. It is ground-breaking – and profoundly successful.
Dick Johnson is Dead is an insanely creative and brave blend of song, documentary, life and death. Also Oscar nominated.
With a humble pride, we want to cite the precedent of our own documentary The Story of Mothers and Daughters. (viewable here.) :
Since this was before the internet, the only explanation is word-of-mouth. During that one hour, out of the 6 million viewers, 1 million picked up their phones while watching to tell someone, “You have to watch this, right now!” In statistics, the technical term for a leap of this magnitude is: Oh-my-funking-God!!
Admittedly, not everyone will be interested in this play. Our audience is limited to:
But despite that limitation … and seriously now … we believe there is a devoted audience who care deeply about this theme and will care passionately about this musical.
For example – recent studies show that 63% of all Broadway tickets are purchased by women. We can safefy assert their interest in this play. Add to that the gay male theater goers, who famously (even if cliched) love musical theater and love their mothers. It is light hearted but also solid evidence based to assert that women plus gay men would make up an audience who is a safe bet to serve with a work such as ours.
Artists-in-residence Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg workshopping their musical as part of the Port Townsend Film Festival visiting artists program.
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MotherDaughterMusical ... May 5 Reading & Prep INFORMATION
(so don’t try to sign up, you are a little late)
But included here to show just part of the process of development of the MotherDaughterMusical, now titled “400 Mothers and Daughters.”
Based on the award winning ABC television documentary “The Story of Mothers and Daughters“, this musical portrays in song the life-journey of 30 mothers and daughters, each in her own way illustrating the mother-daughter bond in all its profound, poignant, and painful complexity.
Sunday, April 14, 2019 10:30 am, – The Rose Theater: Screening of “The Story of Mothers & Daughters” the award-winning documentary that the musical will be adapted from, Advance Ticket info at Women in Film festival office, 360.379.1333
Tuesday, April 16,2019 6 pm– organizational meeting for the reading, plus film screening of the documentary. Open to all. Come and audition to read, sing, or just hang out and help organize the reading! Singers needed for six songs that have music. Readers needed for the many songs that have only lyrics. Everyone welcome. We are all experts in the mother-daughter relationship. Your insight and constructive criticism is welcome. PTFF office, 211 Taylor St., Suite 401A
Sunday, May 5, 12 noon, 2019, Rose theater – a public, free, everyone invited, work in progress reading of the libretto and singing of the songs of this future musical hit!! First ever public performance.
Trailer of documentary: click here
For more information contact info@lunaproductions.com