Blogs 2005-2010
blogs from 2010
- April/May 2010
Lots going on, in just one week of Soldiers of Conscience, east coast, two screenings in Wash DC:
- at the GI Film Festival, (described by one participant as “the most controversial film we’ve ever shown”)
- and also at an event for the Center on Conscience and War.
Same week, on the west coast:
- screened by the ever-active Courage to Resist organization.
- Then, six excerpts from the film featured and profiled on-line in AMERICA: The National Catholic Weekly, inspiring a series of faith based posts and blogs about the film.
BAWCC - the Bay area women and childrens center
regarding projects edited by gary
Have You Heard From Johannesburg, the 10 years in the making, a linked series of 7 feature length documentaries on the world-wide non-violent grassroots campaign that resulted in the overthrow of Apartheid in South Africa, directed and produced by Connie Field, had it’s world premiere at the Film Forum in NYC.
Also, Something Ventured, another doc that Gary has been co-editing, was shown at the Computer History Museum as an invitation-only, Work-In-Progress screening. A veritable who’s who of Silicon Valley showed up to watch the untold story of the incredible, improbable, and highly profitable origin of Venture Capital, the creation of Silicon Valley, and the beginning of the digital era, as told by the founding/funding fathers of Intel, Atari, Apple, Cisco, Genentech, Fairchild Semiconductor, and others.

March, 2010
Soldiers of Conscience screened and was featured at the Truth Commission on Conscience in War, a national gathering of community and religious leaders, advocacy groups, veterans, journalists, counselors, and artists; held in the historic Riverside Church of New York – where past speakers at the pulpit have included Martin Luther King voicing opposition to the Vietnam War and Nelson Mandela on his first visit to the USA after being released from prison.
Why did we hold Truth Commission on Conscience in War?
Read more at the Truth Commission website: http://www.conscienceinwar.org/

blogs from 2009
Feb, 2009
Soldiers of Conscience update:
Lots to report, so in brief – our educational distributor BULL FROG FILMS and our international distributor JOURNEYMAN TV are on the case, so the film is being seen in schools and around the world. So, to our new fans in Poland and Finland, thanks for tuning in and thanks to the TV stations for buying it.
Meanwhile, the film was one of 4 selected to represent the USA at INPUT, the prestigious international public television conference. Quite the honor, INPUT is kind of like the Olympics of public television (without the athletes and medals). So we will be going to Warsaw in May to attend.
and did we mention, 2 listings in Top 10 Films of 2008 … sweet!
March 2009
We are just back from Detroit and Flint Michigan, a 10 day shoot for the Diversity in Philanthropy Project and the Council of Michigan Foundations. We taped the “Symposium on Transforming Michigan Philanthropy through Diversity & Inclusion” and then taped with member organizations and some of their grantees. What a great way to get a perspective on a place, and a sector. It was the best of times and the worst of times. The group that participated in the symposium are diverse and committed. The conditions of Detroit and the state are daunting and sobering. The emptiness of downtown Detroit is ghostlike. But people are meeting the challenges, in Michigan philanthropy, by pushing themselves to respond fairly and creatively in these times. Several people asked us to come back in 5 years and see what they’ve done. We hope to and are really rooting for their success.
July 14, 2009
Soldiers of Conscience has been nominated for a national News and Information Emmy Award. What an honor! What a joy.
The nomination is in the catagory “Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Editing” and so the nominees are … Gary Weimberg and Josh Peterson.
Win or lose, it is a great honor to be nominated. We are truly thankful.
August – Sept 2009
Luna Productions helps save the rainforest.
Commissioned by Amazon Partnerships; a wonderful NGO non-profit operating out of Tena, Ecuador; we do a 6 day HD shoot and 4 week edit of a short video, explaining both Global Warming and local initiatives to preserve the rainforest – in the local Kichua language.
Wonderful adventure, and a wonderful video.
Dec. 2009
Years end at Luna Productions witnesses the completion of our tri-lingual saving-the-rainforest doc for Amazon Partnerships, entitled Virdi Samay: Nucanchi Makipi Tiaum in Kichwa, or in English Life and Breath: Kichwa Peopple Confront Climate Change in the Amazon, and in Español, El Aire Da Vida: Salvando La Amazonía; Ian Slattery directing and editing, Catherine co-producing, and Gary shooting in vivid lovely HD.
Meanwhile, for the good people of Detroit, we nearly complete Arts League Moves to Paradise, a short video about the new home for the Arts League of Michigan in the wonderful Carr Cultural Center. While the original music is being scored, the video is already in use, at fundraising events supporting the building fund of the organization.
On the editing/consulting scene, Gary is editing with and for his dear friends Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine, thus reuniting the Ballet Russes team. Together with Jen Bradwell they are cutting on two feature length documentaries: a true story murder mystery set in the Galapagos Islands in the 1930’s, and a history of Venture Capital and the long strange unlikely road that has lead the world as we know it today.
Soldiers of Conscience in the spotlight
Soldiers of Conscience was reviewed in the September 2009 issue of StressPoints, the newsletter of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, the premier society for the exchange of professional knowledge about severe stress and trauma.
In the review, Dr. Kent Drescher of the VA’s National Center for PTSD, called the film “a powerful look into the ethical complexities of war, and the moral decisions faced by those who fight them … the film resonates with a growing awareness of traumatic experiences that can lead to PTSD.” Read the full review here >>
The New York Times recently reported on new research by Dr. Shira Maguen at the San Francisco VA that highlights the traumatic impact of killing on service members and veterans. Dr. Maguen has previously used excerpts from Soldiers of Conscience as discussion prompts in her group counseling work with veterans.
Soldiers of Conscience received an excellent review in Video Librarian, the most comprehensive video review magazine in the world.
“Soldiers of Conscience does not denigrate the work of the U.S. military or the sacrifices made by soldiers in harm’s way, but instead presents a balanced and mature acknowledgement that some people will follow the dictates of their own consciences over the commands of a temporary ‘superior.'”
blogs from 2008
Happy New Year, 2008!
Much to report from last 4 months of film festivals with SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE.
Meanwhile, THREE WOMEN AND A CHATEAU had its first open-to-the-public theatrical screening, a benefit for our co-producing associate, SMCHA, the San Mateo County Historical Association, at the Burlingame Fox theater, with 1,000+ attending. Mostly, this was a grand celebration of the DVD rollout! So all of you who have waited so long and patiently to buy DVDs of the Carolands documentary, they are now available through SMCHA. Call the Museum at 650 299 0104.
Finally, CIVIC UNITY: FIVE YEARS in the WEST END OF ALAMEDA had it’s in-house premiere for the San Francisco Foundation with a lovely event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Coming soon, the premiere for the activists and community of Alameda itself. After 5 years of filming and editing, the result is moving beyond what any of us expected, and sure to provide a model of community engagement for other neighborhoods across the country
Jan – April 2008
“Soldiers of Conscience” has 3 marvelous screenings at the Ashland Film festival.
While at the festival, documentarian and living legend, Albert Maysles (still working at age 81!) spends an hour with us – what an honor.

April, 2008
This just in… our fifth BEST DOCUMENTARY award for Soldiers of Conscience – this latest kudo from the wonderful Salem International Film Festival – a delightful and excellently organized festival in Oregon.
June, 2008
June 2008
Avignon Film Festival in the south of France.
The documentary Ballets Russes (co-edited/written by Gary) is screened as the Opening Night selection! We attend as VIP guests along with our friends Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine, the film’s producer/directors. ¡Magnifique!
Oct, 2008
At long last, the website to sell DVD’s of our film The Story of Mothers and Daughters goes live.
Amazing but true. In less than 24 hours, the first sale comes in. No adversting, not in search engines yet, and not from someone we know. Just the vast and pervasive connection around mothers and daughters lead one woman unerringly and within one day to the DVD.
Welcome to that new friend … and all the others that we hope wil come!

Soldiers of Conscience – Oct. Update
So much to tell…
An amazing screening in NY at Tribeca Film Center with a new partner, 1000 Voices Archive. The goal: gather people who want to use the film as a tool for the work they are already doing. In the room: active duty army officers, army and marine chaplains, VA officials, faith leaders (Christian, Islamic, Jewish), peace activists, and us. Truly a test of the films ability to bring people together to respectfully discuss the issues of the film. And the result? Seems like the film will be part of the West Point curriculum for sophomore year cadets, and will be used at 24 resource libraries of the National VA Chaplains Center.
Also, the film is being used by VA Suicide Prevention co-ordinators for staff trainings, and staff clinicians at PTSD clinics have begun trial use of non-graphic excerpts of the film as groupd counseling prompts.
Not to mention, the enthusiastic use of the film by varied peace groups, the Mennonite Church, and a yet-to-be-defined emerging relationship with the Episcopal church for broader uses of the film.
Everything we hoped for… and more!

Oct. 12, 2008
Soldiers of Conscience
at the Bend Film Festival,
the 5th Best Doc Award
(so far …)
So much good press and postings have resulted, but we will include this one here, from a blog of “Marine Parents” which speaks volumes about why this film had to be made
We will be continuing of work distributing this film but this day, this moment, this feeling is well worth pausing for – to appreciate and to savor, to be thankful for peace (for those of us who live in peace), and to pray for the safety of those in the midst of war.
Okay. Now take the rest of week off, everyone!

December, 2008
Completed wonderful short documentary Change is Possible: The Summer Legal Fellowship Program. This is a 25 minute documentary about the Center for Youth Development through Law and its Summer
blogs from 2007
Jan 22, 2007
Symphony for Soldiers …
Today we recorded the music for SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE.
A 16 piece string section, most of the San Franscisco Symphony strings.
4 horns.
Original music composed and arranged by Todd Boekelheide, our Emmy and Academy Award winning friend and longtime collaborator. Just when we thought the film couldn’t get any better, then comes this. Wait until you hear it …

Feb/March 2007
THREE WOMEN AND A CHATEAU goes to the Everett Women’s Film Festival, invited by festival programing friends there who loved THE STORY OF MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS so much.

April 22, 2007
SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE world premeire at Atlanta Film Fest, reviewed as one of top five films in festival.


San Diego Internation Film Festival, Women’s Filmmaker Panel. Catherine Ryan, Soldiers of Conscience, speaks on panel.
Mill Valley Film Festival
Gary and Cathy and Executive Producer Stan Friedman during Q&A, taking questions from the audience

blogs from 2006
June 2006
After over two years of film making, Three Women and a Chateau had its world premiere at the Santa Barbara
Since then, the film has shown at the Newport Beach Film Fest., Palm Beach Film Fest., and Waterfront Film Fest of Saugatuck, MI. We even had a special screening at the Orange County Museum of Art. The story of the Heiress, the Countess, the Doctor, and a 100-year love affair with a 100-room mansion is finding its way into the world.
DVD sales and television broadcast? To be determined – stay tuned!
Meanwhile, Ballets Russes continues its amazing success, over $800,000 in box office tickets sold. (FWIW – I’m not entitled to any of that. Oh well.)
August 2006
Great news! Three Women and a Chateau has won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the Rhode Island International Film Festival!
With … sparkling review from the Newport Mercury.
We’re also excited to announce that the film will screen at the San Diego Film Festival in late September.
We will also have our Bay Area premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival in October!
More details to follow soon…
September 2006,
What exciting times! Three Women and a Chateau is shown at three California film festivals in the coming weeks! Here’s a list. We plan on attending the screenings in San Diego and Mill Valley.
See you at the movies!
San Diego Film Festival
6:00 pm – Thursday, September 28, 2006
Ticket info: www.sdff.org
Mill Valley Film Festival
2:30 pm – Saturday, October 7, 2006
6:30 pm – Sunday, October 15, 2006
Ticket info: www.mvff.com
Ojai Film Festival
12:30 pm – Friday, October 13, 2006
10:00 am – Sunday, October 15, 2006
Ticket info: www.ojaifilmfestival.com
October 2006
The Carolands mansion and Three Women and a Chateau are in the news again! The December ’06 issue of Architectural Digest and the October ’06 issue of Gentry both include articles on this amazing estate – and both mention the film! Check your local newsstand or bookstore to pick up a copy.
Do YOU live in a breathtaking house with a fascinating story? You and your home could be the subject for our next film. Get in touch with us about filming an “architectural biography” about your home!
October, 2006

November 2006
Soldiers of Conscience begins the important (but not final) on-line edit. So, even though not done with the film, we now have a stunning HD picture – as beautiful as any 35mm film print. For the rest of 2006 – sound editing and music composition to finish the film in January 2007 if the funding comes through -. Stay tuned for more details!
November / December 2006,
Three Women and a Chateau continues its successful film festival run with screenings in Santa Fe and Palm Springs. We plan to attend screenings at both festivals – be sure to say hi if you’re in attendance!
Santa Fe Film Festival
7:15 pm – Thursday, December 7, 2006
12:00 pm – Sunday, December 10, 2006
Ticket info: http://santafefilmfestival.com/tickets.php
Palm Springs Film Festival
4:45 pm – Friday, January 12, 2007
12:30 pm – Sunday, January 14, 2007
Ticket info: http://www.psfilmfest.org/index.aspx
blogs from 2005

February, 2005
The Story of Mothers & Daughters was screened for the opening night at 2005 Everett Women’s Film Festival. If you want to contact us regarding copies of the program, send us your email on form above.
Luna Productions at Sundance Film Festival 2005:
Ballets Russes (edited by Gary, a Geller/Goldfine Production) has its world premiere as an official selection at the festival. We had a great time!
Luna Productions on PBS:
We hope you saw the May 2004 PBS premiere of The Story of Mothers and Daughters or the June 2004 PBS premiere of The Story of Fathers and Sons.

July, 2005
Civic Unity: Alameda West End, produced for the San Francisco Foundation, Koshland Civic Unity Awards, a video covering first 2 years of 5 year documentary, screens in Alameda for participants.

August 2005
Principal photography begins for Soldiers of Conscience with a trip to Ft. Stewart, GA. Shot in HD for theatrical release in Summer 2006.
Pictured here: Sgt Kevin Benderman going to jail for what will be most of 2 years. His crime? Putting his weapon down – refusing to kill. This from a true southern man, 3rd generation proudly serving in the US military. Kevin himself, youngest of 7 children and the only boy; who supported his family since he dropped out of school in the 6th grade to go to work.
Eventually, he enlisted.
Eventually, on his second tour of duty during the war in Iraq, he discovered his own truth: it felt intolerably wrong to kill. As he said, “Why am i carrying an M-16 in the land of the Garden of Eden?”

September 2005
Excerpt from work-in-progress Three Women and a Chateau screens at San Mateo County Historical Association event honoring Ann Johnson. An enthusiastic crowd of 600 laugh and tear-up while watching the excerpt, all to raise money for a good cause and honor a good woman.
The full documentary, to be completed early next year*, tells the story of a Chateau Carolands, an architectural masterpiece in HIllsborough, Ca; the second largest private home in America.
(*After the fact note: eventually renamed, broadcast on PBS, and nominated for 2 Emmys as “The Heiress and Her Chateau”)
September, 2005
Soldiers of Conscience principle photography continues.
Luna Productions and crew head to Washington DC, filming outside the White House.
Pictured L to R: Sound: Al McGuire; DP: Kevin O’Brien; Director: Gary Weimberg, Associate Producer: Marc Liggin. (co-director Catherine Ryan not visible, taking the picture)

October, 2005
Ballets Russes, a feature length documentary, co-edited and co-written by Gary, screens at more film festivals (Melbourne, Australia; Toronto, Canada) opens commercially around the US, starting Oct 26th at Film Forum, New York City.
December 2005
- Ballets Russes this month is the #1 documentary hit, highest box office grosses in the entire USA.
- According “Critical Consensus” a ranked survey of major film critics across the US for the entire year of 2005 and including ALL movies (documentaries and features) Ballets Russes is the #1 best reviewed movie of the year.
- Plus, Ballet Russes is included in “Best of 2005” list by Time Magazine and a dozen others.

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