In this video, master teacher Ms. Suney Park leads her class on a mathematical journey into area and perimeter using a delightful challenge activity: creating a table (for dinner) for 22.
oh, fyi …
after a couple of our videos starring Ms Park, more people beyond us noticed how great she is…
and whaddaya know?
She received Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science!
This is one of over 200 short videos by Luna Productions for Teaching Channel, a Gates Foundation funded web portal for on Excellence in Teaching, grades K-12.
What is the most precious resource that teachers never have enough of?
The theory of Teaching Channel was that video could provide for teachers top-quality lesson plans in under 5 minutes, ready for use the very next day.
Each video distills the wisdom of a master teacher, teaching a grade/content specific lesson, filmed documentary style in actual classrooms, edited down to 5 minutes with teacher commentary edited in.
The goal? For other teachers to absorb a practical, useful, and inspiring lesson plan including tips and examples of real world best practicies for making it happen... in less than five minutes.